Marriage Preparation Course
Congratulations on your decision to enter Holy Matrimony in the Catholic Church. St Anne's Parish welcome and rejoice with you! The celebration you are planning and the lifelong commitment you are choosing to make are signs of God’s great love for us all.
This is your office registration form. The names that you want on the participation certificate (upon completion of the course) will be taken from this form.
The 6 classes for this course will be held at 7pm - 815pm, every Thursday starting 1 May 2025 and ending Thursday 5 June 2025.
First name
Middle name
Last name
Preferred name
Phone Number
Partner's FULL NAME
First name
Middle name
Last name
Preferred name
Phone Number
Is there any other information you would like to share?
At the completion of the course if you wish to begin arrangements for your wedding day please make an appointment with the parish priest, Fr Anthony O'Connor SM, to discuss.
When you are planning your wedding, you will also need to get a marriage licence, you must arrange this yourself. The following information is from the website https://www.govt.nz/browse/family-and-whanau/getting-married/get-a-marriage-licence/
Before you get married, you need to apply for a marriage licence. This confirms it’s legal for you to marry. A marriage licence costs $150.
What you need to know:
You need to arrange your licence at least 3 working days before you get married.
It expires after 3 months.
If you’re using a celebrant, they have separate fees.
Only one of you needs to complete the application, but you need information about both of you.
Taking a new married name:
If a bride wishes to assume her married surname, or a previous married surname, she may do so as a matter of course.
You are legally entitled to use your surname at birth, any married surname, or a combination of these at any time of your life, unless you have already formally renounced these names by taking out a statutory declaration (or "deed poll") name change.
There are no application forms to complete, and no fees associated with assuming your married name.
Please check the highlighted fields